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SDK examples

The following examples were created specifically to show you how to use the SDK and CLI:

Other examples

Besides the SDK-specific examples, above, you can find many examples that show how to access Planet data in the documentation and Planet School at the Planet Developers Center.Also, more working examples are on the Planet Labs Python notebooks on GitHub.

Planet APIs

This pre-release SDK has implemented interfaces for several Planet APIs. Check out the documentation for the underlying API:

Email Developer Relations

We are eager to share this pre-release with you and encourage you to test your workflows rigorously. Based on your feedback, we may roll out additional updates to improve your experience. Besides joining the discussion, and filing issues and pull requests here, feel free to share your general feedback with us at

Contribute to this open source project

To contribute or develop with this library, see CONTRIBUTING.

Build Status

Planet Software Development Kit (SDK) for Python main branch

Build Status

Version 1 of this SDK

Version 1 of this SDK is significantly different (see the documentation). Version 2 is not backward compatible. Make sure to create a separate virtual environment if you need to work with both versions. For more information on how to do this, see the Virtual Environments and the Planet SDK for Python.

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