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CLI Reference

This page provides documentation for our command line tools.


Planet SDK for Python CLI




  --quiet           Disable ANSI control output.
  --version         Show the version and exit.
  --verbosity TEXT  Optional: set verbosity level to warning, info, or debug.
                    Defaults to warning.
  --help            Show this message and exit.


Commands for working with Planet authentication


planet auth [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  -u, --base-url TEXT  Assign custom base Auth API URL.
  --help               Show this message and exit.


Obtain and store authentication information


planet auth init [OPTIONS]


  --email TEXT     The email address associated with your Planet credentials.
  --password TEXT  Account password. Will not be saved.
  --help           Show this message and exit.


Store authentication information


planet auth store [OPTIONS] KEY


  --help  Show this message and exit.


Print the stored authentication information


planet auth value [OPTIONS]


  --help  Show this message and exit.


Collect a sequence of JSON descriptions into a single JSON blob.

If the descriptions represent GeoJSON features, a GeoJSON FeatureCollection is returned.

Output can be pretty-printed with --pretty option.


planet collect [OPTIONS] INPUT


  --pretty  Format JSON output.
  --help    Show this message and exit.


Commands for interacting with the Data API


planet data [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  -u, --base-url TEXT  Assign custom base Orders API URL.
  --help               Show this message and exit.


Activate an asset.


planet data asset-activate [OPTIONS] ITEM_TYPE ITEM_ID ASSET_TYPE


  --help  Show this message and exit.


Download an activated asset.

This function will fail if the asset state is not activated. Consider calling asset-wait before this command to ensure the asset is activated.

If --checksum is provided, the associated checksums given in the manifest are compared against the downloaded files to verify that they match.

If --checksum is provided, files are already downloaded, and --overwrite is not specified, this will simply validate the checksums of the files against the manifest.

Output: The full path of the downloaded file. If the quiet flag is not set, this also provides ANSI download status reporting.


planet data asset-download [OPTIONS] ITEM_TYPE ITEM_ID ASSET_TYPE


  --directory DIRECTORY  Base directory for file download.
  --filename TEXT        Custom name to assign to downloaded file.
  --overwrite            Overwrite files if they already exist.
  --checksum             Verify that checksums match.
  --help                 Show this message and exit.


Wait for an asset to be activated.

Returns when the asset status has reached "activated" and the asset is available.


planet data asset-wait [OPTIONS] ITEM_TYPE ITEM_ID ASSET_TYPE


  --delay INTEGER         Time (in seconds) between polls.
  --max-attempts INTEGER  Maximum number of polls. Set to zero for no limit.
                          [default: 200]
  --help                  Show this message and exit.


Create a structured item search filter.

This command provides basic functionality for specifying a filter by creating an AndFilter with the filters identified with the options as inputs. This is only a subset of the complex filtering supported by the API. For advanced filter creation, either create the filter by hand or use the Python API.

If no options are specified, an empty filter is returned which, when used in a search, bypasses all search filtering.


planet data filter [OPTIONS]


  --asset TEXT                    Filter to items with one or more of
                                  specified assets. TEXT is a comma-separated
                                  list of entries. When multiple entries are
                                  specified, an implicit 'or' logic is
  --date-range <FIELD COMP DATETIME>...
                                  Filter by date range in field. FIELD is the
                                  name of the field to filter on. COMP can be
                                  lt, lte, gt, or gte. DATETIME can be an
                                  RFC3339 or ISO 8601 string.
  --geom JSON                     Filter to items that overlap a given
                                  geometry. Can be a json string, filename, or
                                  '-' for stdin.
  --number-in <FIELD VALUE>...    Filter field by numeric in. FIELD is the
                                  name of the field to filter on. VALUE is a
                                  comma-separated list of entries. When
                                  multiple entries are specified, an implicit
                                  'or' logic is applied.
  --permission                    Filter to assets with download permissions.
  --range <FIELD COMP FLOAT>...   Filter by number range in field. FIELD is
                                  the name of the field to filter on. COMP can
                                  be lt, lte, gt, or gte.
  --std-quality                   Filter to standard quality.
  --string-in <FIELD TEXT>...     Filter field by numeric in. FIELD is the
                                  name of the field to filter on. VALUE is a
                                  comma-separated list of entries. When
                                  multiple entries are specified, an implicit
                                  'or' logic is applied.
  --update <FIELD COMP DATETIME>...
                                  Filter to items with changes to a specified
                                  field value made after a specified date.
                                  FIELD is the name of the field to filter on.
                                  COMP can be gt or gte. DATETIME can be an
                                  RFC3339 or ISO 8601 string.
  --pretty                        Format JSON output.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Execute a structured item search.

This function outputs a series of GeoJSON descriptions, one for each of the returned items, optionally pretty-printed.

ITEM_TYPES is a comma-separated list of item-types to search.

If --filter is specified, the filter must be JSON and can be a json string, filename, or '-' for stdin. If not specified, search results are not filtered.

Quick searches are stored for approximately 30 days and the --name parameter will be applied to the stored quick search.


planet data search [OPTIONS] ITEM_TYPES


  --geom GEOM
  --filter JSON                   Apply specified filter to search. Can be a
                                  json string, filename, or '-' for stdin.
  --limit INTEGER                 Maximum number of results to return. When
                                  set to 0, no maximum is applied.  [default:
  --name TEXT                     Name of the saved search.
  --sort [published desc|published asc|acquired desc|acquired asc]
                                  Field and direction to order results by.
                                  [default: published desc]
  --pretty                        Format JSON output.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


Create a new saved structured item search.

This function outputs a full JSON description of the created search, optionally pretty-printed.

ITEM_TYPES is a comma-separated list of item-types to search.


planet data search-create [OPTIONS] ITEM_TYPES


  --geom GEOM
  --filter JSON  Filter to apply to search. Can be a json string, filename, or
                 '-' for stdin.  [required]
  --name TEXT    Name of the saved search.  [required]
  --daily-email  Send a daily email when new results are added.
  --pretty       Format JSON output.
  --help         Show this message and exit.


Delete an existing saved search.


planet data search-delete [OPTIONS] SEARCH_ID


  --help  Show this message and exit.


Get a saved search.

This function outputs a full JSON description of the identified saved search, optionally pretty-printed.


planet data search-get [OPTIONS] SEARCH_ID


  --pretty  Format JSON output.
  --help    Show this message and exit.


List saved searches.

This function outputs a full JSON description of the saved searches, optionally pretty-printed.


planet data search-list [OPTIONS]


  --sort [created desc|created asc]
                                  Field and direction to order results by.
                                  [default: created desc]
  --search-type [any|saved|quick]
                                  Search type filter.  [default: any]
  --limit INTEGER                 Maximum number of results to return. When
                                  set to 0, no maximum is applied.  [default:
  --pretty                        Format JSON output.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


Execute a saved structured item search.

This function outputs a series of GeoJSON descriptions, one for each of the returned items, optionally pretty-printed.


planet data search-run [OPTIONS] SEARCH_ID


  --sort [published desc|published asc|acquired desc|acquired asc]
                                  Field and direction to order results by.
                                  [default: published desc]
  --limit INTEGER                 Maximum number of results to return. When
                                  set to 0, no maximum is applied.  [default:
  --pretty                        Format JSON output.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


Update a saved search with the given search request.

This function outputs a full JSON description of the updated search, optionally pretty-printed.


planet data search-update [OPTIONS] SEARCH_ID ITEM_TYPES


  --filter JSON  Filter to apply to search. Can be a json string, filename, or
                 '-' for stdin.  [required]
  --name TEXT    Name of the saved search.  [required]
  --geom GEOM
  --daily-email  Send a daily email when new results are added.
  --pretty       Format JSON output.
  --help         Show this message and exit.


Get a bucketed histogram of items matching the filter.

This function returns a bucketed histogram of results based on the item_types, interval, and filter specified.


planet data stats [OPTIONS] ITEM_TYPES


  --filter JSON                   Filter to apply to search. Can be a json
                                  string, filename, or '-' for stdin.
  --interval [hour|day|week|month|year]
                                  The size of the histogram date buckets.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


Commands for interacting with the Orders API


planet orders [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  -u, --base-url TEXT  Assign custom base Orders API URL.
  --help               Show this message and exit.


Cancel order by order ID.

This command cancels a queued order and outputs the cancelled order details.


planet orders cancel [OPTIONS] ORDER_ID


  --help  Show this message and exit.


Create an order.

This command outputs the created order description, optionally pretty-printed.

REQUEST is the full description of the order to be created. It must be JSON and can be specified a json string, filename, or '-' for stdin.

Other flag options are hosting and collection_id. The hosting flag specifies the hosting type, and the collection_id flag specifies the collection ID for Sentinel Hub. If the collection_id is omitted, a new collection will be created.


planet orders create [OPTIONS] REQUEST


  --hosting [sentinel_hub]  Hosting type. Currently, only "sentinel_hub" is
  --collection-id TEXT      Collection ID for Sentinel Hub hosting. If
                            omitted, a new collection will be created.
  --pretty                  Format JSON output.
  --help                    Show this message and exit.


Download order by order ID.

If --checksum is provided, the associated checksums given in the manifest are compared against the downloaded files to verify that they match.

If --checksum is provided, files are already downloaded, and --overwrite is not specified, this will simply validate the checksums of the files against the manifest.


planet orders download [OPTIONS] ORDER_ID


  --checksum [MD5|SHA256]  Verify that checksums match.
  --directory DIRECTORY    Base directory for file download.
  --overwrite              Overwrite files if they already exist.
  --help                   Show this message and exit.


Get order

This command outputs the order description, optionally pretty-printed.


planet orders get [OPTIONS] ORDER_ID


  --pretty  Format JSON output.
  --help    Show this message and exit.


List orders

This command prints a sequence of the returned order descriptions, optionally pretty-printed.

Order descriptions are sorted by creation date with the last created order returned first.


planet orders list [OPTIONS]


  --state [queued|running|failed|success|partial|cancelled]
                                  Filter orders to given state.
  --limit INTEGER                 Maximum number of results to return. When
                                  set to 0, no maximum is applied.  [default:
  --pretty                        Format JSON output.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


Generate an order request.

This command provides support for building an order description used in creating an order. It outputs the order request, optionally pretty-printed.

IDs is one or more comma-separated item IDs.


planet orders request [OPTIONS] IDS


  --item-type [MYD09GA|SkySatCollect|MOD09GQ|Sentinel1|MOD09GA|MYD09GQ|Sentinel2L1C|Landsat8L1G|PSOrthoTile|SkySatScene|REScene|PSScene|REOrthoTile]
                                  Item type for requested item ids.
  --bundle [analytic|analytic_udm2|analytic_3b_udm2|analytic_5b|analytic_5b_udm2|analytic_8b_udm2|visual|uncalibrated_dn|uncalibrated_dn_udm2|basic_analytic|basic_analytic_udm2|basic_analytic_8b_udm2|basic_uncalibrated_dn|basic_uncalibrated_dn_udm2|analytic_sr|analytic_sr_udm2|analytic_8b_sr_udm2|basic_analytic_nitf|basic_panchromatic|basic_panchromatic_dn|panchromatic|panchromatic_dn|panchromatic_dn_udm2|pansharpened|pansharpened_udm2|basic_l1a_dn]
                                  Asset type for the item.  [required]
  --name TEXT                     Order name. Does not need to be unique.
  --clip JSON                     Clip feature Polygon or Multipolygon
                                  GeoJSON. Can be a json string, filename, or
                                  '-' for stdin.
  --tools JSON                    Toolchain JSON. Can be a json string,
                                  filename, or '-' for stdin.
  --email                         Send email notification when order is
  --archive-type [zip]            Optionally zip archive each item bundle.
  --archive-filename TEXT         Templated filename for archived bundles or
                                  orders.  [default:
  --single-archive                Optionally zip archive all item bundles
  --delivery, --cloudconfig JSON  Delivery configuration, which may include
                                  credentials for a cloud storage provider, to
                                  enable cloud delivery of data, and/or
                                  parameters for bundling deliveries as zip
                                  archives. Can be a JSON string, a filename,
                                  or '-' for stdin. The --cloudconfig option
                                  is an alias for this use case.
  --stac / --no-stac              Include or exclude metadata in
                                  SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) format.
                                  Not specifying either defaults to including
                                  it (--stac), except for orders with
                                  google_earth_engine delivery
  --hosting [sentinel_hub]        Hosting for data delivery. Currently, only
                                  "sentinel_hub" is supported.
  --collection_id TEXT            Collection ID for Sentinel Hub hosting. If
                                  omitted, a new collection will be created.
  --pretty                        Format JSON output.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


Wait until order reaches desired state.

Reports the state of the order on the last poll.

This function polls the Orders API to determine the order state, with the specified delay between each polling attempt, until the order reaches a final state or earlier state, if specified. If the maximum number of attempts is reached before polling is complete, an exception is raised. Setting --max-attempts to zero will result in no limit on the number of attempts.

Setting --delay to zero results in no delay between polling attempts. This will likely result in throttling by the Orders API, which has a rate limit of 10 requests per second. If many orders are being polled asynchronously, consider increasing the delay to avoid throttling.

By default, polling completes when the order reaches a final state. If --state is specified, polling will complete when the specified earlier state is reached or passed.


planet orders wait [OPTIONS] ORDER_ID


  --delay INTEGER                 Time (in seconds) between polls.
  --max-attempts INTEGER          Maximum number of polls. Set to zero for no
                                  limit.  [default: 200]
  --state [queued|running|failed|success|partial|cancelled]
                                  State prior to a final state that will end
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


Commands for interacting with the Subscriptions API


planet subscriptions [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  -u, --base-url TEXT  Assign custom base Subscriptions API URL.
  --help               Show this message and exit.


Cancels a subscription and prints the API response.


planet subscriptions cancel [OPTIONS] SUBSCRIPTION_ID


  --pretty  Format JSON output.
  --help    Show this message and exit.


Create a subscription.

Submits a subscription request for creation and prints the created subscription description, optionally pretty-printed.

REQUEST is the full description of the subscription to be created. It must be JSON and can be specified a json string, filename, or '-' for stdin.

Other flag options are hosting and collection_id. The hosting flag specifies the hosting type, and the collection_id flag specifies the collection ID for Sentinel Hub. If the collection_id is omitted, a new collection will be created.


planet subscriptions create [OPTIONS] REQUEST


  --hosting [sentinel_hub]  Hosting type. Currently, only "sentinel_hub" is
  --collection-id TEXT      Collection ID for Sentinel Hub hosting. If
                            omitted, a new collection will be created.
  --pretty                  Format JSON output.
  --help                    Show this message and exit.


Get the description of a subscription.


planet subscriptions get [OPTIONS] SUBSCRIPTION_ID


  --pretty  Format JSON output.
  --help    Show this message and exit.


Prints a sequence of JSON-encoded Subscription descriptions.


planet subscriptions list [OPTIONS]


  --pretty                        Format JSON output.
  --status [running|cancelled|preparing|pending|completed|suspended|failed]
                                  Select subscriptions in one or more states.
                                  Default is all.
  --limit INTEGER                 Maximum number of results to return. When
                                  set to 0, no maximum is applied.  [default:
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


Update a subscription via PATCH.

Updates a subscription and prints the updated subscription description, optionally pretty-printed.

REQUEST only requires the attributes to be changed. It must be JSON and can be specified a json string, filename, or '-' for stdin.


planet subscriptions patch [OPTIONS] SUBSCRIPTION_ID REQUEST


  --pretty  Format JSON output.
  --help    Show this message and exit.


Generate a subscriptions request.

Note: the next version of the Subscription API will remove the clip tool option and always clip to the source geometry. Thus the --clip-to-source option is a preview of the next API version's default behavior.


planet subscriptions request [OPTIONS]


  --name TEXT               Subscription name. Does not need to be unique.
  --source JSON             Source JSON. Can be a string, filename, or - for
                            stdin.  [required]
  --delivery JSON           Delivery configuration, including credentials for
                            a cloud storage provider, to enable cloud delivery
                            of data. Can be a JSON string, a filename, or '-'
                            for stdin.
  --notifications JSON      Notifications JSON. Can be a string, filename, or
                            - for stdin.
  --tools JSON              Toolchain JSON. Can be a string, filename, or -
                            for stdin.
  --hosting [sentinel_hub]  Hosting configuration. Can be JSON,
                            "sentinel_hub", or omitted.
  --clip-to-source          Clip to the source geometry without specifying a
                            clip tool.
  --collection-id TEXT      Collection ID for Sentinel Hub hosting. If
                            omitted, a new collection will be created.
  --pretty                  Format JSON output.
  --help                    Show this message and exit.


Generate a subscriptions request catalog source description.


planet subscriptions request-catalog [OPTIONS]


  --item-types TEXT               Item type for requested item ids.
  --asset-types TEXT              One or more comma-separated asset types.
  --geometry GEOM                 Geometry of the area of interest of the
                                  subscription that will be used to determine
                                  matches. Can be a string, filename, or - for
                                  stdin.  [required]
  --start-time DATETIME           Date and time to begin subscription.
  --end-time DATETIME             Date and time to end subscription.
  --rrule TEXT                    iCalendar recurrance rule to specify
  --filter JSON                   Search filter.  Can be a string, filename,
                                  or - for stdin.
  --publishing-stage [preview|standard|finalized]
                                  Subscribe to results at a particular
                                  publishing stage. Multiple instances of this
                                  option are allowed.
  --time-range-type [acquired|published]
                                  Subscribe by acquisition time or time of
  --pretty                        Format JSON output.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


Generate a Planetary Variable subscription source.

Planetary Variables come in 4 types and are further subdivided within these types. See Subscribing to Planetary Variables or the OpenAPI spec for more details.


planet subscriptions request-pv [OPTIONS]


  --var-type TEXT        A Planetary Variable type. See documentation for all
                         available types.  [required]
  --var-id TEXT          A Planetary Variable ID. See documenation for all
                         available IDs.  [required]
  --geometry GEOM        Geometry of the area of interest of the subscription
                         that will be used to determine matches. Can be a
                         string, filename, or - for stdin.  [required]
  --start-time DATETIME  Date and time to begin subscription.  [required]
  --end-time DATETIME    Date and time to end subscription.
  --pretty               Format JSON output.
  --help                 Show this message and exit.


Print the results of a subscription to stdout.

The output of this command is a sequence of JSON objects (the default) or a sequence of comma-separated fields (when the --csv option is used), one result per line.


planet subscriptions results SUBSCRIPTION_ID --status=success --limit 10

Where SUBSCRIPTION_ID is the unique identifier for a subscription, this prints the last 10 successfully delivered results for that subscription as JSON objects.

planet subscriptions results SUBSCRIPTION_ID --limit 0 --csv > results.csv

Prints all results for a subscription and saves them to a CSV file.


planet subscriptions results [OPTIONS] SUBSCRIPTION_ID


  --pretty                        Format JSON output.
  --status [created|queued|processing|failed|success]
                                  Select subscription results in one or more
                                  states. Default: all.
  --csv                           Get subscription results as comma-separated
  --limit INTEGER                 Maximum number of results to return. When
                                  set to 0, no maximum is applied.  [default:
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


Update a subscription via PUT.

Updates a subscription and prints the updated subscription description, optionally pretty-printed.

REQUEST is the full description of the updated subscription. It must be JSON and can be specified a json string, filename, or '-' for stdin.


planet subscriptions update [OPTIONS] SUBSCRIPTION_ID REQUEST


  --pretty  Format JSON output.
  --help    Show this message and exit.
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